About Me
Annemarie Jung is a self-taught photographer. Since her debut in 2021, Annemarie has rapidly garnered recognition, winning numerous prestigious awards and exhibiting her work internationally and locally.
Drawing inspiration from her natural curiosity and an unwavering drive to transform ideas into art, Annemarie's artistic focus lies in capturing the essence of the human element. Through her evocative and sometimes provocative approach, she skillfully explores the intricate nuances of the human experience.

Publications and Exhibitions:
Julia Cameron Awards 18th edition (2021): Category winner Cellphone, physical exhibition in Barcelona (Spain) in Spring 2022, published in Catalogue.
Prix de la Photographie Luxembourg (2022) – Cité de l‘image: Finalist, physical exhibition in Luxembourg in October 2022.
Smithsonian Award (2022): Finalist and Category Winner Travel, online exhibition and publication in SmithsonianMagazine.
Global Photo Awards (2022): Finalist and published in Catalogue.
International Photo Awards (2022): Finalist and published in Catalogue.
Julia Cameron Awards 19th edition (2022): physical exhibition in Barcelona (Spain) in April 2023 and published in catalogue.
Monovisions Awards (2022): Finalist, online exhibition and published in Catalogue.
Pollux Award 19th edition (2023): Category winner, physical exhibition in Barcelona (Spain) in October 2023 and published in Catalogue.
Photofestival Pelt (2023): Physical exhibition (June – September 2023 in Belgium) and published in Catalogue.
Global Photo Awards (2023): Finalist and published in Catalogue.
All About Photo Awards (2023): Winner, Solo feature in monthly magazine, sponsored Portfolio page, nominated as “Rising Photographer.”
Glasgow Gallery of Photography (2023): Finalist, physical exhibition in Glasgow (Scotland) in September 2023.
Decode Gallery (2023): Physical and online exhibition in Arizona (USA) in September 2023.
Urban Photo Awards (2023): official selection and physical exhibition in Trieste (Italy) in October 2023.
Julia Margaret Cameron Awards 20th edition (2023): 7 nominations, physical exhibition in Barcelona (Spain) in April 2024 and published in Catalogue.
National Geographic Magazine: published in Italian magazine edition in September 2023.
International Portrait Photographer (2023): published in Annual Book of the top 101 photographers in the world, physical exhibition.
Glasgow Gallery of Photography (2023): Finalist, physical exhibition in Glasgow (Scotland) in December 2023.
Prix de la Photographie Paris (2023) : winners exhibition in Paris (France), published in Annual Book.
Eyeshot Open Call (2023): semi-finalist, published in annual Book, featuring in short-film, Naples (Italy).
Exhibizone Grand Prize (2023): online exhibition, published in Catalogue.
World of Photography (2023): physical exhibition in Barcelona (Spain) in December 2024, published in World of Photography Book.
Decode Gallery (2023): Physical and online exhibition in Arizona (USA) in December 2023.
Blank Wall Gallery: physical exhibition in Athens (Greece) in November-December 2023.
Pollux Awards 20th edition (2023): 3 x Honorable Mention, physical exhibition in Barcelona in April 2024, published in Catalogue.
Glasgow Gallery of Photography (2023): Finalist, physical exhibition in Glasgow (Scotland) in January 2024.
Julia Margaret Cameron Award 21st edition: 3 x Honorable Mention, physical exhibition in Barcelona in 2024, published in Catalogue.
Modeka Gallery (2023): 4 x selected, physical exhibition in Manila (Philippines), February 2024.
Valid World Hall (2023): 4 x selected, physical exhibition in Barcelona, March 2024, projection at gallery.
Digital Photographer Magazine (2023): published in Magazine for Night photography award.
Fotnostrum Magazine (2023): Published in Magazine in 2024 and physical exhibition in Barcelona.
Budapest International Foto Award (2023): Silver medal and honorable mentions, projection at gallery in 2024 in Budapest.
Kaiser Gallery Street Photography (2023): Exhibition in 2024 in Cleveland (USA).
PH21 Gallery (2023): Exhibition, projection at gallery in 2024 in Budapest.
Decode Gallery (2024): Physical and online exhibition in Arizona (USA) in January 2024.
Xposure 2024 Festival (2023): Exhibition and published in Catalogue, 2024 in Sharjah.
Tokyo International Foto Awards (2023): Exhibition and projection in Tokyo in March 2024.
Boomer Gallery (2024): Exhibition in March 2024 in London and published in Catalogue.
Dodho Magazine (2024): Top 25 Portrait Award, published in book in June 2024
Trieste Photo Days (2024): Exhibition in October/November 2024 in Trieste( Italy) and published in book.
Boomer Gallery (2024): Exhibition in May 2024 in London and published in Catalogue.
Julia Margaret Cannon Award 23rd edition (2024): published in Magazine.
Pollux award 21st edition (2024): published in Magazine.
Charity Suicide & Co (2024): Exhibition in London.
Paris international Street Photography Award (2024): Silver medal, Exhibition in 2024 and published in Catalogue.
Decode Gallery (2024): Physical and online exhibition in Arizona (USA) in June 2024.
Royal Photography Society (2024): Women's chapter, Cover Page.
Boomer Gallery (2024): Physical exhibition and published in Catalogue, London, May 2024.
Charity Suicide & Co (2024): Physical exhibition in London, England.
Art Square (2024): Exhibition and published in book, New York.
Adam Smith Gallery (2024): Exhibition in Texas (USA).
Dodho Magazine (2024): Published in book in September 2024.
Online exhibitions and Awards
New York Photography Awards (2022): 2 x Gold award, 6 x Silver award, 3 x Honorable mention, online exhibition.
European Photography Awards (2022) : 3 x Gold winner, online exhibition.
Refocus (2022): People’s Choice Award and Honorable Mention, online exhibition.
Luxembourg Art Prize (2022): 4 x Honorable Mention, certificate of artistic achievement.
Annual Photo Award (2022): 2 x Honorable Mention.
ArtDoc (2023): 2 x finalist.
Artfluent (2023): Official selection, online exhibition.
Muse Photography Awards (2023): 2 x Platinum award, 8 x Gold award, 10 x Silver award, featured as Jury’s choice, online exhibition.
Lensculture Critic’s choice (2023): editor’s pick, online exhibition.
Refocus Color Photography (2023): 2 x People’s choice, 2 x Honorable Mention, online exhibition.
The Motif Collective (2022-2024): 3rd place on “Sunset“, Honorable mentions and shortlisted in “Landscape” “Symmetry”, “Minimalism”, "Red", "Portrait", Black and White" and “Reflections”.
London Photography Awards (2023): 1 x Platinum, 2 x Gold, 1 x Honorable Mention.
Monovisions awards (2023): Honorable Mention, online exhibition.
iPhone Photography Awards (2023): Honorable Mention, online exhibition.
IPA Deeper perspective (2023): 2 x Honorable Mention, online exhibition.
Refocus Annual Award (2023): 6 nominations, online exhibition, Silver category winner, Bronze category winner, 3 x Honorable Mention, 1 nomination.
European Photo Awards (2023): 3 x Gold winner, online exhibition.
IPA Annual Award (2023): 5 x official selection, 1 x final round, online exhibition.
Spotlight Award (2023): 3 x finalist, top 10 in category sports, Travel/Landscape and Lifestyle.
Shoot the Frame (2023): 2 x finalist, online exhibition.
ND Awards (2023): Honorable Mention in professional category.
Artfluent (2023): Selected for online exhibition.
Photo North Festival (2023): online exhibition in Leeds (UK) in April 2024.
Artdoc (2023): online exhibition, "Through my lens" in December 2023
Refocus Awards (Black and White" (2023): Honorable mention and online exhibition.
Monochrome Awards (2023): 1 x Honorable mention in professional category, 2 x Honorable mention in Amateur category.
Siena International Awards (2024): Finalist.
Black and White Award (2024): Online exhibition, Bronze Medal and 4 Honorable mentions.
Lensculture Street Photography (2024): selected photographer.
​Fotoslovo (2024): Honorable mention.
Monovisions(2024): 2 x Honorable mention.
London Photography Awards (2024): 3 x Gold, 1 x Honorable mention.
Minimalist Photographer of the year (2024): Honorable mention.